Sorry you havent heard from me in a little while.... again...
We are about to move house! success in finding a new place to live! speciall now immy is 7months old.. she is moving about in her walker freely and we deffinatly need more space!
As for that song list, its too long to even start typing, ive found 345 songs that sound the same as others, it frustated me so much i got cross and didnt continue... but there are loads of songs that fir into that catagory....
I dont really know what else to say today... its just been.. one of those months... well more then a month as it sbenn that long since i last wrote on here :P
trying to organise my 2nd cousins to come up for a week to meet my little one, last time they saw me i had only just found out that i was preggers, so they didnt know anything about it untill alot later on...
oh the joys of ironing... LOL
Thursday, 4 August 2011
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
Songs.. that sound the same as.. other songs...
Its been a few weeks or days or so since i last decided to post a bit on here, been so busy with my daughter, and my other half has got a week off work so been making the most of him while hes been off work.
Just a little update on the diet thing... going well slowly... although struggling to eat decently with imogen around hehehe.
So... my point of writing a blog this fine evening. Songs... that sound like.. other songs...
Now this bugs me somthing rotten. i hear a song, think oh yes this is ni... oh its just like... and that annoys me. why cant artists write thier own music, instead of stealing someone elses music and changing it by slowing it down and changing the lyric or speeding it up...
there are quite a few around at the moment...
lady gaga's born this way sounds alot like bon jovi bad medicine...
olly murs has two songs that bug me..
thinking of me sounds like if its good enough for you its good enough for me..
and his most recent one busy sounds like james blunts stay the night...
alexandra burkes the silence is the spice girls viva foreva slowed down more..
pink's perfect to me sounds like abba's one of us....
i have a list somewhere.. i shall inform you of all the songs i have soon :)
but let me know what you think, if you can here it too...
Just a little update on the diet thing... going well slowly... although struggling to eat decently with imogen around hehehe.
So... my point of writing a blog this fine evening. Songs... that sound like.. other songs...
Now this bugs me somthing rotten. i hear a song, think oh yes this is ni... oh its just like... and that annoys me. why cant artists write thier own music, instead of stealing someone elses music and changing it by slowing it down and changing the lyric or speeding it up...
there are quite a few around at the moment...
lady gaga's born this way sounds alot like bon jovi bad medicine...
olly murs has two songs that bug me..
thinking of me sounds like if its good enough for you its good enough for me..
and his most recent one busy sounds like james blunts stay the night...
alexandra burkes the silence is the spice girls viva foreva slowed down more..
pink's perfect to me sounds like abba's one of us....
i have a list somewhere.. i shall inform you of all the songs i have soon :)
but let me know what you think, if you can here it too...
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
The Diet,,,,Shambles.
So, trying to shift the baby weight after having my bubba girl. Currently going to weight watchers.
First week, lost 1/2 lb. Great start. Aint all the good things and ate lots of fruit.
Second week.... SHAMBLES. gained 4lbs!!!!! urgh... what did i do wrong? apart from
perhaps a few packets of crisps, a few chinese takeaways, a curry, burgerking and a mcdonalds or two? and maybe some melted chocolate fondue and nachos... hmm. after all i am only human am i not? LOL.
Just goes to show that sometimes if you put in the effort it works... and you cant just indulge if you have a craving.. although.. a little indulgence is good for the soul... =D
So, today ive been really good, lots of fruit and veggies, been and bought lots of pasta's and saladddd. had salad for tea...
but only cos i had a large lunch..
mm fish n chips...
was nice XD
First week, lost 1/2 lb. Great start. Aint all the good things and ate lots of fruit.
Second week.... SHAMBLES. gained 4lbs!!!!! urgh... what did i do wrong? apart from
perhaps a few packets of crisps, a few chinese takeaways, a curry, burgerking and a mcdonalds or two? and maybe some melted chocolate fondue and nachos... hmm. after all i am only human am i not? LOL.
Just goes to show that sometimes if you put in the effort it works... and you cant just indulge if you have a craving.. although.. a little indulgence is good for the soul... =D
So, today ive been really good, lots of fruit and veggies, been and bought lots of pasta's and saladddd. had salad for tea...
but only cos i had a large lunch..
mm fish n chips...
was nice XD
Sunday, 22 May 2011
Raindrops are a beautiful thing....
Well, the past few days have been some of the worst between me and my other half Christopher. Lots of arguements and lots of tears, also lots of make-up kisses and cuddles.
He should be working today, he has two jobs. One is at Blue Keld mineral water, the other is at the driffield skatepark, skatopia. Today he should be there, but due to the rain, he cannot, so he's coming home tomplay with his daughter and maybe even cook tea for a change, which would be nice =) but we shall see about that.
He bought me a brand spanking new bike the other day, nobody has ever done anything like that for me. If he wasnt commited to this relationship, he wouldnt have spent £250 on me... but as he has, I so think he is sticking around, which makes me smile =)
So, I do love it when it rains, it means me and my little family can spend more time together. Rain makes one beautiful thing happen.
He should be working today, he has two jobs. One is at Blue Keld mineral water, the other is at the driffield skatepark, skatopia. Today he should be there, but due to the rain, he cannot, so he's coming home tomplay with his daughter and maybe even cook tea for a change, which would be nice =) but we shall see about that.
He bought me a brand spanking new bike the other day, nobody has ever done anything like that for me. If he wasnt commited to this relationship, he wouldnt have spent £250 on me... but as he has, I so think he is sticking around, which makes me smile =)
So, I do love it when it rains, it means me and my little family can spend more time together. Rain makes one beautiful thing happen.
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
Flower Bucket
So... just before I fell pregnant, I was studying Floristry. I Loved it. Actually LOVED it. It sort of, mixed my creative juices together in a jug then watched them flow into each mug, each mug being each project i did...
Here are some of the things I did...
Here are some of the things I did...
Infomation - Imogen
This is Infomation - Imogen...
Due- Christmas Day
Born: 27/12/2010
Pregnancy: 40wks + 2days
Labour: 15hrs 45mins,
Pain relief: Gas and Air, Pethdine, Epidural, (then morphine in c-section)Birth weight: 7lb 3oz
Pregnancy: 40wks + 2days
Labour: 15hrs 45mins,
Pain relief: Gas and Air, Pethdine, Epidural, (then morphine in c-section)Birth weight: 7lb 3oz
Ive the whole story here... So...
Monday, spent the day round at Christophers grandparents, seeing all the family and exchanging christmas prezzies. Everyone kept on asking me whether I had any signs and I kept saying "no no, nothing and i doubt i will have bumpy anytime soon" but still they kept on asking.
At the end of the evening, we were discussing the fact christopher was going to the pub to get drunk with future godfather terry. Chris's brother in-law, Andrew Drewery said to me before they got ready to leave, "you watch, it will come tonight while chris is out in town" i then said "no and i highly doubt it, but if anything happens i we have our back up driver, Leanne, Chris's sister in-law" who might i add wasnt very well and was planning an early night, so i really didnt want to be dragging her out of bed when she was feeling so rough. Anyway, as the evening progressed, Terry arrived and we all sat and watched the Top Gear Special (which was FAB) and I had a little back ache, but put it down to sitting funny on the sofa. Top gear ended and off Chris and Terry went into the night.
I was on facebook for a little while, wishing that bumpy would make an appearance sometime soon, but little did i know what was just a few hours away.
Randomly, Steve Waites started talking to me via facbook chat, asking if bumpy had arrived yet and how i am, and Steve was telling me, that bumpy could well come tonight, and there was no reason why she shouldnt arrive, infact he said "We shall see" as if he knew something that i didnt. I Believe in 6th senses, but this time i thought he was really wrong. Turns out, he was right. Shortly after coming off of facebook, i laid on the sofa with the tin of roses, with a blanket, and watched a few episodes of sugar rush, before i felt myself falling asleep and i had back pain that was coming and going but it was nothing major. It was around 11.30pm when i got into bed and fell asleep.
1am. Woke up, coming and going pains in tummy, and some back pain that seemed alot lower then its ever been before. Thought nothing of it, got up to go to toilet and gush. There went my waters right there and then, along with my show.
Crying and paniking, Christopher still not home, i quickly ran to the phone and rang him.
It went something like this..
"Hello..?" boom boom boom boom boom of the beat of Hooters in the background...
"Erm Baby.. My waters have gone.. i think its time.." Boom booom boom
"Shit right im coming home now..Love you bye"
Chris then ran from the otherside of town all the way home. a journey that would usually take 20mins only took him 5. Before he arrived, i rang the hospital and told them, and they asked me to come right in, i had also rang Leanne, who was still feeling quite rough and woke her and Chris's brother up. Leanne arrived shortly after Chris did, and we started to get ready to go. I was timing my contractions on a timer i got on my Ipod, and they were very mild, lasting only 30seconds every 5/6 mins. So when we got it all together, we set off to scarborough.
When we got there at 3am (roads were seriosly bad on the way there), I was still having my contractions slowly getting closer together, and my first midwife of the evening was russian called Tanya. She stuck me on a moniter and asked me to describe my waters, then she got me a birthing ball and looked at my notes, and she told me there and then i couldnt have my waterbirth as even though they have no record of my group b strep infection, they are not taking the risk, so i was very upset about this. My contractions were not regular, they just kept coming and going whever they pleased and they were deffinatly getting stronger and i was only 2cm dialated. When we were told we wernt going to be going home that night to relax and help with the labour, Leanne left and went to go get some sleep. After she left, Tanya put in my Cannula IV drip, with one antibiotic and another drug to help bring on my labour and make my contractions regular and stronger, and when it started working, the pain had got quite bad so she stuck me on gas and air.
8am Midwife shift change and i got a chiniese lady called Ann and she was really nice. she examined me and i was 3/4cm dialated, and i was already in serious pain and the gas and air was really working anymore. they increased my drip and then labour really did start to get going. Ann examined me yet again and i was 7/8cm dialted but it felt asthough i needed to push, but i was in so so much pain, ann reccomended a epidural, i am so scared of needles thoguh and i refused it instantly, but she said would you consider pethadyne, and i said ok as its only a quick shot in the bum lol.
When they cam to give me the jab, and indian doctor came in and she helped me alot breathing through the contraction (she was so so good with me, holding my hand reasurring me all the time) and she rolled me over and kept me talking to distract me from the pethadyne going in.
Something then changed within the labour, i wasnt in as much pain as i was, but the pressure was really building down below, and it was more that then the contractions giving me the pain. At this point, Ann sais she really didnt like seeing me inso much pain and crying so much, and she got the matron to come in and look at me, she said, i ought to have an epidural, (and as i was in so much pain and screaming at them to get bumpy out) seeing me like that was upsetting chris and upsetting them. So with that, the matron appeared with the aneathnatist and i was really paniky, the matron had to be really really firm with me, and her and Chris ended up having to hold me still as i cried and cried out loud.
Finally though, it was in and the pain was waring off.
But something changed, pressure was really really building, and even though i was ready to push the Ann the midwife could tell that something was wrong. She quickly examined me, and i was fully dialted and ready to go, so i started to push with every contraction. The head was moving down nicely untill it got to the bend. Bumpy had moved.
Ann went to go get the consultant, and he came in and did a eltrasound. Bumpy had got stuck. Bumpys body was now laying diagonally (oblique) but its head had already started to move down.
At this point, I had no choice, bumpys heart rate was getting low and they had to get it out. So i signed the form and off i went down for an emergency c-section. Chris rushed down to see bumpy being born but he missed it because they had to do it that quickly.
Baby Imogen Sansome <3 Had to spend a little time in special baby unit at she wasnt breathing to well but as soon as i heard her crying i was in floods of tears and Chris was welling up too <3
Now she is the cutest little thing in the world & we love her so so much :')
Baby Imogen :)
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
Through The Junk I Found Some Sunshine...
I found this while going through some old bits and bobs. Makes me smile on the inside when I read it.
Here is a letter from Christopher, when we split up for a little bit and I was seeing another girl...
To my lovely Sarah,
Righteo, here I go. As you know I am not that good at opening my heart but stuff it. I best try and have a go some time lol
Im sorry im confusing you even more by writing this but I really feel the need to, id be daft not to. Im sorry I broke up with you and can’t describe how much of a colossus tit I feel, I know I was a grumpy bum at the time but I should of really seen past all that misery and focused on the good things(or thing) which was you, if I wasn’t such a stubborn twat I would of seen that you were the best thing to cheer me up. Im sorry. I know I cant make it any better for you because im such a useless git that I cant lol
Anywho might as well start another paragraph of nonsense that going to make you even more confused J
I remember falling in love with you(believe it or not) it was that night we went to flamborough lighthouse for the first time, and I remember saying to myself god I like this girl, and then I remember clearing my head and think no actually I love this girl. I know this sounds gay, well it probs doesn’t but this is the first time iv really expressed myself like this. I know this was early on in our relationship but iv never really been one for showing my feelings sooooooo there you go.
My life isn’t the right without you at the moment, I miss to much…the goodnight kiss when we roll over peck each other softly on the lips and roll of into the land of nod…that cute little morning yawn of yours…that daft cutesy voice you make when I tickle you or you find something adorable…the caring nature you have especially when iv hurt myself(im a man and don’t care much for hurting myself but you always insisted in looking at it)…the fact you could talk about absolutely nothing for ages…the fact you could talk to anyone and still seem interested in what they say…I like the soufflĂ© u make even if you have only made it once for me…I like the way you are when your with my little nephews and poopoo looloo…I like it when u laugh so hard u very occasionally snort and so very often fall over…I like that cute thing you do with your hands when you think summert cute(u put ut hands near your chin n wave them lol)…I like the way you burp or fart and immediately go OOO!! As if to say it wasn’t you when it clearly was lol …I like the way your tiny feet curve inwards when you walk…I could go on for hours but I must press on in this letter. To the next paragraph!! Or page lol
Next paragraph!!! I miss you baby, I cant describe the feeling but il have a bash, its like my legs wont stand up without you they are all wobbly, and when I see you with laura it just hurts a lil inside, its like someone’s tearing a knife through my tummy, I don’t have anyone to snuggle in bed with so not only is this hurting me inside(I think it’s the heart region) its also hurting my muscle build up in my arms coz there’s nothing to squeeze or hold onto.
Well hell I think im done, as much as my brain can muster for this evening at least. I hope you can see sense beautiful and make the right decision,.
Here is a letter from Christopher, when we split up for a little bit and I was seeing another girl...
To my lovely Sarah,
Righteo, here I go. As you know I am not that good at opening my heart but stuff it. I best try and have a go some time lol
Im sorry im confusing you even more by writing this but I really feel the need to, id be daft not to. Im sorry I broke up with you and can’t describe how much of a colossus tit I feel, I know I was a grumpy bum at the time but I should of really seen past all that misery and focused on the good things(or thing) which was you, if I wasn’t such a stubborn twat I would of seen that you were the best thing to cheer me up. Im sorry. I know I cant make it any better for you because im such a useless git that I cant lol
Anywho might as well start another paragraph of nonsense that going to make you even more confused J
I remember falling in love with you(believe it or not) it was that night we went to flamborough lighthouse for the first time, and I remember saying to myself god I like this girl, and then I remember clearing my head and think no actually I love this girl. I know this sounds gay, well it probs doesn’t but this is the first time iv really expressed myself like this. I know this was early on in our relationship but iv never really been one for showing my feelings sooooooo there you go.
My life isn’t the right without you at the moment, I miss to much…the goodnight kiss when we roll over peck each other softly on the lips and roll of into the land of nod…that cute little morning yawn of yours…that daft cutesy voice you make when I tickle you or you find something adorable…the caring nature you have especially when iv hurt myself(im a man and don’t care much for hurting myself but you always insisted in looking at it)…the fact you could talk about absolutely nothing for ages…the fact you could talk to anyone and still seem interested in what they say…I like the soufflĂ© u make even if you have only made it once for me…I like the way you are when your with my little nephews and poopoo looloo…I like it when u laugh so hard u very occasionally snort and so very often fall over…I like that cute thing you do with your hands when you think summert cute(u put ut hands near your chin n wave them lol)…I like the way you burp or fart and immediately go OOO!! As if to say it wasn’t you when it clearly was lol …I like the way your tiny feet curve inwards when you walk…I could go on for hours but I must press on in this letter. To the next paragraph!! Or page lol
Next paragraph!!! I miss you baby, I cant describe the feeling but il have a bash, its like my legs wont stand up without you they are all wobbly, and when I see you with laura it just hurts a lil inside, its like someone’s tearing a knife through my tummy, I don’t have anyone to snuggle in bed with so not only is this hurting me inside(I think it’s the heart region) its also hurting my muscle build up in my arms coz there’s nothing to squeeze or hold onto.
Well hell I think im done, as much as my brain can muster for this evening at least. I hope you can see sense beautiful and make the right decision,.
I know im not helping that fragile, still being fixed heart of yours but I really am well and truly, madly and deeply, stupidly and crazily, still In love with you
With all the brainpower and love I can muster,
P.S note how it got better at the end and note how I write better than sssttutter my useless words. x
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