Wednesday, 25 May 2011

The Diet,,,,Shambles.

So, trying to shift the baby weight after having my bubba girl. Currently going to weight watchers.

First week, lost 1/2 lb. Great start. Aint all the good things and ate lots of fruit.

Second week.... SHAMBLES. gained 4lbs!!!!! urgh... what did i do wrong? apart from
perhaps a few packets of crisps, a few chinese takeaways, a curry, burgerking and a mcdonalds or two? and maybe some melted chocolate fondue and nachos... hmm. after all i am only human am i not? LOL.

Just goes to show that sometimes if you put in the effort it works... and you cant just indulge if you have a craving.. although.. a little indulgence is good for the soul... =D

So, today ive been really good, lots of fruit and veggies, been and bought lots of pasta's and saladddd. had salad for tea...

but only cos i had a large lunch..

mm fish n chips...

was nice XD

1 comment:

  1. Keep at it and take it a day at a time. I've been working on the baby weight since my son was born, a decade ago. Just last week started keeping track of what I eat and trying to get out and walk a few days a week. We'll see how it goes.
