Sorry you havent heard from me in a little while.... again...
We are about to move house! success in finding a new place to live! speciall now immy is 7months old.. she is moving about in her walker freely and we deffinatly need more space!
As for that song list, its too long to even start typing, ive found 345 songs that sound the same as others, it frustated me so much i got cross and didnt continue... but there are loads of songs that fir into that catagory....
I dont really know what else to say today... its just been.. one of those months... well more then a month as it sbenn that long since i last wrote on here :P
trying to organise my 2nd cousins to come up for a week to meet my little one, last time they saw me i had only just found out that i was preggers, so they didnt know anything about it untill alot later on...
oh the joys of ironing... LOL